Front Crawl Fundamentals Course
Learn how to swim front crawl with ease, whether for fitness or to swim further in open water
Service Description
Each course will have a maximum of 4 swimmers as this is appropriate for the size of pool we will be learning in and also allows the coach to tailor each session to your individual needs. Sessions are suitable for adults (18+) of all ages. You may want to learn front crawl for fitness, triathlon or open water swimming. You do not need to be very fit, just healthy and enthusiastic to learn. The sessions aim to be fun and relaxed and do not require you to swim a lot of distance. We will be focusing on learning and imprinting new or more efficient swim movements, so it is often more mentally than physically tiring, but research has shown that this is the most effective way to learn. The pool is the same depth throughout, so you can stand up at any time and will not be out of your depth. The course runs over 6 weeks. You will learn how your body and brain behave in the water and why swimming and breathing are often so challenging for humans. You will gain some insight into your current daily breathing patterns on land and we look at how this might affect your swimming performance. We also address any concerns or difficulties you have encountered when trying to swim front crawl or any questions you have about it. Each lesson lasts an hour and will cover the fundamentals of the front crawl stroke. There will be video feedback as appropriate during the sessions as seeing your swim movements is a really great learning tool. Any useful video clips taken during the sessions will be sent to you afterwards to help support your practice between sessions. You will also receive a summary of what we covered in each session. This will help you practice between sessions but also be a reference following the course as you will need to continue to practice regularly to imprint all the stroke elements and build your confidence. To maximise your progress and learning experience during the course, you ideally need to be able to commit to practice twice a week between pool sessions. The pool-based sessions are held in a private 9m pool in Fairwarp, near Uckfield, on Ashdown Forest. The full address and directions are sent upon booking.

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or re-schedule your swim session, please contact us at least 48 hours prior to your session. No refund can be given within 48 hours of cancelling.
Contact Details
Fairwarp, Uckfield TN22 3BP, UK